"Crucify Me Gently"
"Crucify Me Gently"
Crucify Me Gently - is a four man squad form Ukraine. They are young, but are trying to create their own style and individual sound. Moving away from orthodox deathcore, they give their music an unusual destructive emotional background. They differ with their depressive/aggressive mood, atmosphere and melancholic lyrics. With sadness and hate, from Ukraine!
Alex Rusnak - vox
Alexander Tsutskov - guitar
Edik Skunts - bass
Vlad Karnak - drums
Самоуничтожение, самобичевание и агрессия… Какие самые деструктивные эмоции вам приходят на ум? Гнев? Ненависть? Апатия? Депрессия?
Творчество Crucify Me Gently строится на сильном эмоциональном посыле, смешивая агрессивность deathcore и обреченность и меланхолию doom metal`a.
Лёша - (vocals)
Цуки - (guitar)
Эдик - (bass)
Влад - (drums)