Это интересно:
Reign Supreme are one of the heaviest/hardest metallic hardcore bands to surface from Philadelphia in over a decade. Led by former Blacklisted member Jay Pepito on vocals, they wield the same devastating musical hammer as bands like Crowbar, Terror, and Integrity. Yet come out swinging with a conviction and rage unlike anyone before them.Reign Supreme has their sights set on accomplishment here. With their self-confident band name and album title and roots in the VFW hall hardcore scene, with this material, the band has clearly made the decision to position themselves for bigger things along the lines of Hatebreed and Terror before them. By simplifying the riffs, attempting straightforward... продолжение
Альбомы исполнителя «Reign Supreme»:
Всего 2 альбома (отображено 1 - 2)
2008 год
Альбомы без даты
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